
Getting Your Wardrobe Summer Ready

Get your wardrobe summer ready with a reorganised and well laid out space. A cluttered wardrobe can make a room look untidy and keep you from finding the items you really want to wear. Follow our organisation and wardrobe design tips below to de-clutter, organise and get your wardrobe summer ready!

Urban Wardrobe Range

Tip 1: Make Space

This can be broken down into two parts, the clothes you purge and the clothes you store. If a piece of clothing no longer fits or hasn’t been worn it in the past 3 months then it’s time to say goodbye! Take the clothes in this pile to a goodwill donation bin or sell them online for some extra cash. It can be hard to let go but just remember more space equals more room for new clothes!

You will want to keep some items for the cooler seasons but won’t need to access them during summer like jumpers, sweaters and coats. It may seem like a good idea to hang your sweaters and coats but this will only cause them to loose shape during the summer when you aren’t wearing them. We recommend folding these and placing them in plastic storage bins. Pack the heavier items on the bottom and avoid over filling as air needs to circulate, otherwise mould and mildew could form. When done place the storage bins out of the way at the very top of your wardrobe.

Tip 2: Get Organised

Once you are left with only the items you will wear in Summer, it is time to organise. Grouping like items will make it easier to find things. Keep your underwear, tops and bottoms folded in separate drawers so you can easily put together an outfit. Hang items you wear frequently and clothing that has been ironed for easy access and to avoid creases.

This may also be a good time to tidy up your shoe collection, as these tend to get messy throughout the year. Place the shoes you wear most on a shelf at eye level or somewhere you can easily access. You may also want to group these into categories such as heels, flats, sandals and lace ups for efficiency.

Consider adding an accessories drawer for items such as sunglasses and hats.

Tip 3: Take Inventory

Once your wardrobe is organised you should be able to identify any gaps. For example if your shirt drawer is full but the drawer for your bottoms is basically empty you may need to purchase some new season items. Make a list of anything you are missing before you go shopping for new items. This will help to make sure you only buy clothes you will actually wear and avoids wasted closet space.

Tip 4: Look At Your Wardrobe Design

Remember organising your wardrobe is easier when you have lots of shelf and hanging space! If you’re wanting to upgrade your wardrobe this season, visit one of our showrooms near you to see a wide range of sliding door and speak with one of our wardrobe design specialists.

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